Paris Je T'aime (2006)
"Paris Je T'aime" is a 2006 Drama movie directed by Emmanuel Benbihy and starring by Steve Buscemi, Natalie Portman. Olivier Assayas, Gus Van Sant, Wes Craven and Alfonso Cuaron are among the 20 distinguished directors who contribute to this collection of 18 stories, each exploring a different aspect of Parisian life. The colourful characters in this drama include a pair of mimes, a husband trying to chose between his wife and his lover, and a married man who turns to a prostitute for advice.
Released : Jun 21, 2006
Runtime : 120 min.
Stars : Steve Buscemi, Natalie Portman, Willem Dafoe, Maggie Gyllenhaal
Director : Emmanuel Benbihy
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